How to Prepare When Shipping Product Internationally

When you are planning to send a shipment of goods overseas in an efficient and timely manner it can be a bit overwhelming if you do not know the ins-and-outs of international shipping. Though it is happening every day if it is your first time you will likely find it to be complicated with a pretty steep learning curve. With a bit of research, however, you will be sending your merchandise off knowing it will reach its destination without any serious snags along the way.

Though it may seem difficult at first, shipping product overseas on a regular basis can actually be quite simple once you know the steps. Then you can tackle them one at a time and before you know it you are a pro. A company that does crating, palletizing and transloading can help you to prepare your product while aiding you in getting it to the destination in perfect condition on-time.  Here are some important tips to give you an edge when it comes to overseas shipping.

  • Do Your Research

In order to successfully ship your product you need to know how to do it properly and professionally. A part of this means spending a considerable amount to time learning how it is done and which steps are essential and necessary to get your product to the end destination safely and securely. Also be sure to educate yourself on any professional services you may plan on using as some are more reputable and reliable than others. Take the lead and maintain control.

  • Keep Accurate Records

When shipping items internationally it is important to be organized and to keep all receipts and records of everyone you are dealing with. Having all quotes written down as well as what is going where and the expected arrival times is helpful if there are any hiccups along the way. Create a file specifically for each step of the journey so it is easy to find should you need it. This will also make it easier for any future shipments you may plan on sending.

  • Create a Logistical Plan

Mapping out the route your shipment will take as well as modes of transport and all necessary crating and packaging needs can help you to better come up with a plan of action. After you have done the research it can be quite easy to make a list of steps that need to be taken to have your product successfully shipped from point A to point B. As with any business endeavour having a plan of action is a key element to pulling it off in an efficient and timely manner.

  • Calculate Expenses

Depending on the size and weight as well as the quantity of what you are moving shipping product overseas can be costly. With overly large or heavy items you want to find a company to create specialized packaging in order to suit your crating needs. Having an idea of what you can expect to spend from beginning to end can make the whole experience less stressful as you know upfront what to expect.

  • Ensure Proper Packaging

If you do not take the time to research and find the best way to package your product there is a strong chance it will get damaged or suffer losses during its journey. Find a company that does customized packing, shrink-wrapping, palletizing and crating especially if you are shipping industrial goods or large and oversized items. When merchandise is sent overseas in a properly packaged method there is a much greater likelihood of it arriving in good condition without loss.

  • Determine Mode of Transport

Sometimes choosing the way in which you will transport your product is easy however at other times it is more complicated and additional decisions are necessary. If you are worried about one method such as from one port to another this can actually be quite simple, but if you need to get it to the port, then across the ocean and then to another location you need to think about multiple modes of transportation.

  • Customs, Tariffs and Taxes

Every country around the world has different rules and regulations when it comes to accepting products from overseas shipments. Knowing what is expected of you is key to a shipment clearing customs without any issues. Be sure you have filled out all necessary documentation and dealt with any taxes or tariffs before your product leaves the port. Having things held up at customs can be a nightmare so be organized so this does not happen to you.

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